We all need a little help with exercise sometimes, whether we’re just starting out or you’ve been at it for a long time. Here are a few reasons people typically hire personal trainers:
You are new to exercise and don’t know the proper exercises for your specific goals
You are not seeing the results after having exercised consistently for several weeks or months
You are bored with the same old workout routines – you need to shake things up a bit!
You need to be pushed past your usual limits – you need to be challenged
You need accountability and motivation
You are training for a specific sport or event
You need someone to show you proper form to prevent injury and maximize results
You are looking to lose weight
You don’t want to waste time doing inefficient workouts
Increased lean muscle mass and decreased body fat
Improved flexibility, posture, balance and coordination
Boosts metabolism
Increased strength, energy and endurance
Increased bone density
Reduce and relieves stress and symptoms of depression and anxiety
Improved physical appearance and self-confidence
Improved athletic performance
Helps Type II Diabetes, back pain, arthritis, osteoporosis, high cholesterol
Lower blood pressure and resting heart rate
Helps prevent injury
Improved overall health
Feel better!
Our Air Conditioned training facility officially opened in March 2016. We're located at 211 14th Street North, right in downtown St Pete. Our 3,000 sq ft gym is packed with the equipment you'll love to hate! Drop by to say hi and to get your first workout assessment.
Yes. We can help to develop a plan for healthy eating
We will determine the proper breakdown of carbs, protein and fat that are required for your optimum health
By using computer programs/apps, we can monitor your daily food intake and recommend changes
Your first session will consist of a fitness assessment to determine a baseline of where you are when you begin your fitness program. We also do a health history review so that we are made aware of any conditions that would limit your training or make it unsafe. Following the assessment, we’ll begin our initial workout.
Yes, we have programs to meet everyone’s budget and time constraints. Call or email for further details. Don’t waste another day to make a positive change in your life. Aren’t you worth it?
Give us a call at 508-353-2599 today!
227 14th Street North
St. Petersburg,